Fri, Aug 14
Homestead Farm Tour
Join us in a preliminary Free Farm Tour introduction as our First Collaboration with #AbundantEden as neighbors in the FuenteVerdeVillage!!
Time & Location
Aug 14, 2020, 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Tinamaste, San José, Tinamaste, Costa Rica
About The Experience
In 2 hours we will cover only items havested for our" *Tropcal Salad " for the *optional lunch, and various edible/polinator items of our *Seedballs sold to grow in your gardens! This will take place in our neighboor land.
*!*due to covid restrictictions:Â
Space is limited to the First 10 to sign up for each slot!! Please RSVP
** Weather dependant! Wear y0ur good mudshoes! bring a notebook, and weather/bug gear!
*0ptional : at 12:30Â
There will be a harvest tropical salad available for lunch at with us (EcoMaste) facility for 5mil /5min walk between.
*!*i Do suggest a  *One on One tour for more in depth interests at our neighbor farm!! This is the best way to visit their nursery and get to know them in a 2 hour walkabout to see as a brief overview the different aspects of their "work in process",  and how big things grow "Abundantly" in 4 years from cowgrass!Â
Abundant Eden has about a heactare of our 3.5 of their main living areas that offer views into several "Hands-0n" #Iriecycles workshop options!Â
Please see Events listing for further detail from our neighboor #iriecyclesworkshop series: Â
1- Cobb n Bottle earthbuildingÂ
2- soil building, #hulgiculture/Â
3-composting+toilets  and wormfarmsÂ
4 seedsaving+propigations for developing food security,Â
5-WatershedManagement of  #Swales and pondsÂ
6-FoodForests and crop zonesÂ
*$10./5mil is our normal fee for this on a one on one *FarmTour or $30. for a full 8-12 *Hands on workshop appointment. **suggested if you want more personal input! ***We offer slidescale for groups over 4 and Full-time local resident tribe members! **Whats app me directly at 8414-7781 to secure y0ur spot and time slot/directions+Â
*Please see their page Events listings and Photos for further more information.Â
**lodging is available upon request contact us directly for details.
Count me in!
Homestead Farm tour Lunch
This is your optional lunch pass for after the farm tour!
$10.00Sale ended