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Wholeness, Much Love, and Pura Vida.

Herbal Oil Making

You may have an "inner-standing" of the tremendous power of intention. Perhaps you’ve learned about its effect on water in your own personal experience and or with 

 Dr. Masaru Emoto’s experiments.   Now let’s apply what we know about water to making herbal infused oils. Oils are actually seen as another way of “hydrating” the body.

We can take in oils both internally and externally through our skin. Sometimes we forget that the skin is a vital organ that we absorb and release; nutrients, toxins and water from. 

Herbal oils are a gentle way to receive the healing power of plants. It also can be a more direct way as the medicine doesn’t need to be digested. It travels through the dermis layers and the tiny molecules are then absorbed into your bloodstream, pretty cool right?

Let's dive into the process of making herbal oil infusions and discover how to infuse love and intention into each step. However, before embarking on this journey, it's important to align your energy, emotions, and intentions.

Centered Energy: A Key Ingredient

Just like any creative process, making herbal medicine requires an alignment of energies. Take a moment to check your emotional state. If stress or negative emotions loom over you, it might not be the right time to embark on this journey. Find a moment of calm, center yourself, and let love and inspiration guide your steps.

Intention: Weaving a Purposeful Tapestry

Every creation thrives with intention, and herbal oil infusions are no exception. Get clear on your "why." What is the purpose behind your herbal oil infusion? Perhaps it's to promote healthy skin for yourself and your community. By setting a clear intention, you infuse each drop with purpose, making your creation even more potent.

Connecting with Herbs: A Sacred Bond

Ideally, you want to connect with the herbs you already have an established connection. The stronger the relationship you have with the herb the more healing it will be for you. If you have the means, consider growing them yourself. Introduce yourself and share your intentions with the plants, seeking their permission. Offering gratitude is a beautiful gesture, acknowledging the reciprocal relationship between humans and nature. If you don't have access to growing your own herbs, opt for organic, fair trade options that ethically source their plant materials.

The beloved Gotu Kola

Harvesting with Cosmic Guidance

Timing is everything, even in the herbal world. Consider checking the astrological calendar before harvesting your herbs. For instance, if you are making a massage oil for connection with your partner, you might choose to harvest when the moon is in Virgo. Exploring the influence of cosmic energy on your herbal creations can open up a fascinating dimension of herbal medicine making.

Great Resource for Astrology Forecast:

The Perfect Oil: Choosing Your Base

Selecting the right oil is crucial to create an optimal herbal oil infusion. Different oils have different qualities, and the choice depends on your intended purpose. Jojoba and almond oils penetrate deeply into the skin, while coconut oil provides protective properties. Delve into the unique characteristics of various oils and choose the one that aligns best with your objectives.

Setting the Stage for Success: Preparing Your Space

A well-prepared space sets the foundation for successful herbal medicine making. Gather all the necessary materials, ensuring your herbs are clean and dry. Clear your workspace, allowing uninterrupted focus and energy flow. When everything is organized and in place, the journey of creating herbal oil infusions becomes even more enjoyable.

Unveiling the Infusion Techniques

There are various methods to infuse herbs into oil, each with its own nuances. Heat infusions involve cooking the herbs and then straining the material off. For a more gentle approach, blending or macerating the material and leaving it in oil to extract the medicinal qualities over time is an option. This is best to do with already dry herbs. Be mindful to avoid plants with high water content, such as aloe, which are more prone to mold. Alternatively, you can infuse herbs without blending, simply allowing them to steep in oil. Whichever method you choose, ensuring clean glass jars and storing them in a cool, dry, dark place are vital for preserving the potency of your creations.

The Power of Documentation: Keeping Herbal Journals

As you embark on this herbal medicine making journey, keeping a detailed herbal medicine journal is invaluable. Take careful notes of the proportions of herbs you use, the dates, and any observations you make throughout the process. If you find scales helpful, incorporate them into your practice to maintain consistency and precision. Your journal becomes a treasure trove of wisdom and guidance for future creations.

Use a journal I mean it

Labels and Time: Tracking the Journey

To avoid confusion and maintain organization, label your jars with clear descriptions, including the date of creation, and note when to check the infusion's progress (typically around the two-week mark). Your oils will be ready between the 4th-6th week mark. The longer the time the stronger the infusion. Also consider where you live warmer climate will speed up the process, colder will slow things down. Identifying the anticipated ready-to-use date ensures you capture the optimal potency of your herbal oil infusion.

Embrace the Magic: Herbal Medicine Making Unleashed

With love, intention, and a dash of magic, you are now equipped to embark on the enchanting journey of making your own herbal oil infusions. Embrace the wisdom of nature, connect to the healing powers of plants, and nurture your well-being and that of your community. 

Let's embark together on this journey of herbal medicine making magic!

Remember, each drop of your herbal oil infusion is infused with intention, love, and the remarkable healing essence of nature. Enjoy the process, embrace the artistry, and witness the transformative power of your very own herbal creations.

Happy herbal medicine making, fellow seekers of wellness and heartfelt connection!

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Prepare to be captivated by the enchanting rhythms of life as we explore the wonders of seasonal living in Costa Rica. In this tropical paradise, time seems to slow down, the locals embrace you with warm hospitality, and the seasons reveal their subtle and counterintuitive beauty. But what sets Costa Rica apart is its fascinating dance with the traditional concepts of winter and summer, where the patterns of life and death intertwine in perfect harmony.

Verano: A Different Kind of "Summer"

Costa Rica challenges our expectations as the "verano," or summer in this part of the world, begins during what is traditionally known as winter. It's an interesting time with the hot and dry, many plants start to go dormant or die back and others thrive. Leaves gracefully fall, imbuing the landscape with a gentle letting go. This natural transition contrasts with the bustling energy of tourism, which peaks during this time. For those accustomed to the four seasons, it may feel like a call to slow down, questioning whether the economic peak season aligns with the cycles nature expresses.

Passionflower flowering in February at Ecomaste!

Summer Solstice: Welcomes Solace

As the sun reaches its peak, a transformation occurs in Costa Rica. The rhythm slows down, the rains return, and tourists gradually bid farewell, creating a sense of tranquil deceleration. But amidst this serenity, something magical happens - new life awakens. April-May ushers in the planting season, as dormant seeds and plants burst forth, showcasing vibrant colors and abundant growth. Simultaneously, other plant species gracefully fade away, creating a poignant dance of life and death. It's a symphony of nature that inspires us to reflect on the delicate balance of existence.

Jaboticaba Fruit Harvested in April at EcoMaste

Life and Death: A Dynamic Dance

In Costa Rica, life and death intertwine harmoniously, challenging our conventional understanding. With a background in four-season climates, we're accustomed to viewing life and death as distinct and separate. Yet, Costa Rica invites us to see them as integral parts of a grand design. Witnessing the vibrant plants and fruits flourishing during the planting season, born from (April & May), deepens our appreciation for the cyclical order of life. It's a dance of interconnectedness that empowers us to see beauty in every phase.

Our greenhouse this month (February)!

Celebrating the Beauty of Nature's Symphony

Costa Rica's climatic cycles offer a fresh perspective on life's seasons, pushing our preconceived notions aside. Here, boundaries blur, and birth and growth seamlessly merge with decline and death. It's a revelation that transforms our understanding of life itself. By embracing Costa Rica's rhythms, we become part of nature's ever-changing symphony, celebrating the interconnectedness and wisdom that abound. Costa Rica's vibrant spirit inspires you to embrace the beauty of this dynamic dance, where life and death unite in perfect harmony.

So, are you ready to immerse yourself in the captivating wonders of seasonal living in Costa Rica? Get ready to experience a different spin of the seasons. Grab your passport, embrace the unexpected, and embark on a journey that will forever change your perspective. Bienvenidos a Costa Rica!

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In a world characterized by constant change and rapidity, the concept of cyclical living beckons us to slow down, embrace the beauty of nature's rhythms, and find harmony within ourselves and the world around us. By aligning our lives with the cycles of birth, life, aging, and death; the changing seasons; the elemental forces; the lunar phases, and the menstrual stages, we can rediscover the profound interconnectedness of all things. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits and importance of cyclical living and how it nourishes our well-being by honoring these intrinsic and inseparable cycles.

The Beauty of the Life Cycle: Birth, Life, Aging, and Death

The life cycle mirrors the very essence of cyclical living. Just as the seasons follow one another, our lives move through distinct phases: birth, life, aging, and death. By acknowledging and celebrating each stage, we embrace the full spectrum of the human experience. Birth brings new beginnings, life offers opportunities for growth and discovery, aging gifts us wisdom and reflection, and death reminds us of life's impermanence. By embracing these natural transitions, we deepen our connection to life and find meaning in the ebb and flow of existence.

Harmonizing with the Seasons: Winter, Spring, Fall, and Summer

The seasons represent nature's eternal dance of change. In winter, the earth rests and rejuvenates, mirroring the need for introspection and renewal in our own lives. Spring bursts forth with new life and energy, inviting us to nurture our passions and dreams. Fall calls us to release what no longer serves us, just as the leaves fall from the trees. Summer, the season of abundance and vibrancy, teaches us to celebrate life's joys. Embracing the seasons' cyclical nature fosters adaptability and balance, allowing us to savor each unique moment while staying connected to the larger rhythm of life.

The Elemental Forces: Air, Fire, Water, and Earth

The elements form the very fabric of creation, and their energies influence our lives in profound ways. Air represents intellect and communication, fire embodies transformation and passion, water symbolizes emotions and intuition, and earth grounds us and provides stability. By understanding the qualities of each element, we can consciously harness their energies to enhance our daily experiences. Just as the elements combine harmoniously in nature, we can also find equilibrium within ourselves by honoring these elemental forces.

Dancing with the Moon Phases: New Moon, Waxing, Full, and Waning

The moon, with its ever-changing phases, has long inspired awe and wonder. Each lunar cycle offers unique opportunities for intention-setting, growth, release, and introspection. The new moon is a time for new beginnings, the waxing moon encourages growth and manifestation, the full moon amplifies energy and illumination, and the waning moon invites us to release and let go. By aligning with the moon's phases, we synchronize our actions with the cosmic dance, amplifying our intentions and deepening our spiritual connection.

Honoring the Menstrual Phases: Menstrual Bleed, Follicular, Ovulation, and Luteal

For those with menstrual cycles, honoring the menstrual phases can lead to a profound reconnection with their bodies and inner wisdom. Menstrual bleed brings a time of rest and reflection, while the follicular phase heralds new creative energy and ideas. Ovulation represents heightened vitality and connection, and the luteal phase calls for self-nurturing and introspection. By embracing these menstrual phases, women can enjoy cycles with less negative symptoms, balanced emotional health, more productivity and focus, better physical endurance, and feel more inspired and empowered in all their relationships.


Cyclical living is a timeless and intuitive wisdom that brings us closer to the core of our existence. By honoring the cycles of birth, life, aging, and death; embracing the changing seasons; harmonizing with the elemental forces; dancing with the moon phases, and recognizing the significance of the menstrual stages, we embrace our inherent connection to all of creation. Through this holistic approach, vibrant well-being becomes a natural side effect, as we align our lives with the flow of nature's eternal rhythm. Embrace cyclical living, and embark on a transformative journey that will enrich your life with purpose, balance, and an unyielding sense of wonder.

Author: Amanda Luna is a multi-passionate, Holistic Health Practitioner specializing in

Yoga, Qi-Gong, and Herbalism who teaches and practices the Art of Cyclical Living.

Stay tuned for her upcoming Classes, Workshops, Programs, Retreats & 1-1 Mentoring offerings and follow her on instagram @alunaliving

for free content about holistic health and wellbeing

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