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Seed Exchange
Seed Exchange

Sat, Dec 18



Seed Exchange

Education. Information exchange. Art. Food

Registration is closed
See other events

Time & Location

Dec 18, 2021, 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM

Tinamaste, San José, Tinamaste, Costa Rica


About The Experience

Español en la parte de abajo.

Join us on this sacred day of honoring inner and outer darkness so that we can welcome our light. This event has been created to share and exchange ideas that we are applying to the land that we steward. It is also selected to support you in your process of finding balance and inspiration in the ever-changing and cyclical world that we are. We invite you to connect and celebrate with the community.

-10 am Welcome. Circle opening

Guided solstice meditation (directions) 

Collective intention of seeds

-11 am Class for children

Seed exchange

-12 Lunch available

-2 pm Wise words from guests

co-create a fire ritual with us

-3 pm closing of the activity

If you want to participate as an artist or volunteering, contact us.

Parking: Please follow instructions attached to your tickets. We advise to carpool to have a less impact on the roads.


Únete a nosotros en este día sagrado de honrar la oscuridad interior y exterior para que podamos dar la bienvenida a nuestra luz. Este evento ha sido creado para compartir e intercambiar ideas que estemos aplicando en la tierra que guardamos. Es también seleccionado para apoyarlo en su proceso de encontrar el equilibrio y la inspiración en el mundo cíclico y en constante cambio que somos. Lo invitamos a conectarse y celebrar con la comunidad.

-10 am Bienvenida. Apertura del círculo

Meditación guiada de solsticio (direcciones) 

Intención colectivo de semillas

-11 am Clase para niños

Intercambio de semillas

-12 Almuerzo disponible

-2 pm Palabras sabias de invitados

co-crea un ritual de fuego con nosotros

-3 pm cierre de la actividad

Si quieres participar en la parte de artistas o voluntariado contáctanos.

Parqueo: Sigue las instrucciones adjuntas con tus tiquetes. Recomendamos el carpool para tener un menor impacto en las carreteras.

Count me in!

  • Seed Exchange

    With this ticket you will be able to join us in this gathering of information exchange and reconnection.

    Sale ended
  • Donation

    Your donation will cover costs & expenses to keep creating free community events.

    Sale ended



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